Laser Hair Removal

A laser produces a beam of highly concentrated light. The light emitted is absorbed by pigments in hair follicles. Laser hair removal involves lasers that pulse for a fraction of a second, just long enough to vaporize the pigment, disabling numerous follicles at a time to eliminate or significantly impede the hair’s growth.

Dr. Derrick Moody, our featured dermatologist, uses cutting edge lasers with unparalleled treatment efficacy for hair removal, especially for thinner hair that other lasers simply cannot target. Visit our Lawrenceville GA office today!

Laser Hair Removal

A laser produces a beam of highly concentrated light. The light emitted is well absorbed by the pigment located in hair follicles. The laser pulses for a fraction of a second, just long enough to vaporize the pigment, disabling numerous follicles at a time to eliminate or significantly impede the hair’s growth.

Dr. Derrick Moody, our featured dermatologist, uses the highest technology lasers with unparalleled treatment efficacies in hair removal, especially thinner hairs that other lasers simply cannot target.

Laser Hair Removal FAQs
The laser treatment can cause negligible tingling. Since certain parts of the body are more sensitive than others, topical anesthetic can be applied. Generally, the DCD laser technology allows the skin to cool, thus minimizing pain.
Technique and size of area being treated determines the length of the session. Upper lips may take only five minutes, while the back or legs can go on for forty-five minutes. Only hairs that are in their growing stage will be affected by the laser, which means in order to target all the hairs, multiple sessions may be required. Sessions that follow will be at least a month later and ideally help target the hair that was earlier in resting stage.
Although the FDA has approved several types of laser for permanent hair reduction, results can vary depending on patients’ hormone levels, metabolism, hair quality and number of hair.